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Poetics of 




                                        A webquest for 10th to 12th graders 


Hello, and welcome to the poetics of life. In this webquest you will look at poets and how their life influenced their work. At the end of this you will create a poem based on the poet that you chose. 



The Task

Students should be able to speak about a poet and how their life influenced what they wrote. They will also write a cumulative book of poems of their own impressions about this particular poet.


Summarize the information found and make a speech and research paper about the poet they have been researching.


Create a poem in which each student  writes a verse about the poet and what they feel about poetry. Combine these verses to create a whole poem. 


The Process

1. Choose one of the following poets:



                     Emily Dickinson

                   Walt Whitman

           Robert Frost

   Elizabeth Barrett Browning

2. Research his/her life and their poetry.

3. Write a speech about the poet and his/her life.

4. Write a research paper about the poet and his/her life.

5. As an introduction to the poem describe how the group feels about poetry in general. Create a poem about the poet. As the ending describe how your group feels about this poet's writing style.

6. In each group there should be four people:

        Secretary: The secretary is in charge of making sure that the project is on track and that everyone is doing their fair share. The secretary is also in charge of making sure that the assignments are completed and that everyone is helping out.

        Artist: The artist is in charge of the art put into the presentation and into the book of poems that must be turned in at the end of the project.

        Research Expert: The research expert is in charge of making sure that the information that is being used is valid and that credit is given where it is due. The research expert is in charge of making sure that there is no plagiarism within the group's project.

        Editor: The editor is in charge of making sure that the poem is readable and that the art presented is appropriate. The editor is also in charge of making sure that everyone speaks during the presentation and presents the information that is pertinent to their role.


 Emily Dickinson

Selected Poems: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/4192/dickinson.html 

Biography: http://longman.awl.com/kennedy/dickinson/biography.html 

Poems, Articles, and History: http://www.cswnet.com/~erin/emily.htm 

Walt Whitman

Selected Poems: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/whitmn.html 

Biography: http://longman.awl.com/kennedy/whitman/biography.html

Development of Leaves of Grass: http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/amlit/whitman.html

Robert Frost

Biography: http://longman.awl.com/kennedy/frost/biography.html

Lesser Known Poems: http://frost.freehosting.net/

Selected Poems: http://www.ketzle.com/frost/ 

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Biography: http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=153

Poems of 1844: http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies/ReadingRoom/Poetry/BarrettBrowning/Poemsof1844/ 

Selected Poems: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/brwneliz.html 

Learning Advice

















*Learn about a poet and how his/her work was created and how it influenced society.

*Work on writing skills. 

*Work on speech, presentations, and how presentations are done.

Encompassing Question:

What did the student learn about poetry that they didn't know before? It may be something about a poet or about poetry in general.


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